Your generous gifts to our Carthage community ensure that we can continue to inspire self-discovery among our students, within a motivational 和 reflective environment, that grants them numerous opportunities to ignite their true potential.




“An important factor that enabled me to attend Carthage was the 基诺沙橡树奖学金. I always knew I wanted to go to college, but I wasn’t sure how I’d pay for it. This scholarship eliminated a large part of the financial burden associated with college 和 made achieving my future career goals attainable. Although my career plans have changed a couple of times, I am passionate about the nursing path I’m on now.”



“I was honored when 我收到了 150 Years of Women Scholarship. Receiving this scholarship meant that all my hard work was starting to pay off. This scholarship meant I was able to further my education in an area that isn’t always encouraged for young women to go into. 毕业后, I hope to work for the FBI or the DHS in the human trafficking or immigration division to help victims.”



“I am honored to be a recipient of the 艾伦·安德森校长奖学金. One of President Anderson’s recognizable attributes was his will to be an active leader in community service 和 charity. Being a recipient of such an award humbles me 和 definitely solidifies my constant decision to do my best in 和 out of the classroom. There are no words that could more properly encapsulate my gratitude.”



“I chose to attend Carthage for a variety of reasons, including the scholarships presented to me. 我收到了一个 海氏总统奖学金. 对我来说, this scholarship meant that the college saw potential in me, even if I don’t always see it in myself. This has been a very empowering experience. This scholarship was also what gave me the financial boost that I needed to be able to attend Carthage.”



“我收到了 Mahone Fund 博彩网址大全 Access Award. Receiving this scholarship meant a lot because it helped me not to stress about being in debt once I graduate. 生活给了我一些难题, 但我现在对自己的职业道路很满意, my 8-year-old self would appreciate that.”



胡安·阿尔贝托Gómez-Solis ' 25

“I chose Carthage because of its location (10 minutes away from my home), j学期游学,和 小类. 我收到了 现代语言奖学金 for Spanish, $22,000 was applied toward my tuition! This scholarship is a huge deal to me because I am a first-generation student. All my years of hard work, from elementary school to high school, finally paid off.”



“我很幸运能收到 博彩网址大全最高荣誉奖学金 以及 威廉J. Oudegest奖学金, Charles Melvin Hurd 和 Harriet Howe Hurd Scholarship. I can’t express how much these scholarships have meant to me. Without financial assistance, I could not have afforded college in any capacity. What Carthage offered me changed the game; now, I can afford high-quality education 和 the most fantastic experience!”



“我收到了 Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium Undergraduate Research Award for undergraduates pursuing space-related studies. My favorite moment has been getting to fly on a 零重力抛物线飞行. This means I was in a plane that was falling straight toward the ground, producing the effect of zero gravity for all in the plane cabin. This was my first research flight 和 the greatest experience of my life.”



“我已经收到了。 Hobbs-Burkee Computer Science Scholarship在美国,获得3分的学生可以申请.0 和 above, showing good progression through the 计算机科学系. Receiving this scholarship gave me a lot of validation, knowing I am doing good work in the department. Computer science is very enjoyable, especially when you finally solve the problem. It gives me a sense of relief knowing I can do anything if I can do this.”



“The Carthage community is awesome,和 people here are wonderful. I’ve received scholarships from both the 音乐剧院 部门,以及 Tarble Family California Scholarship. These scholarships really are the reason I am able to come to Carthage. It’s scary to go into music theatre with debt, but Carthage makes the program affordable.”



“我是感激的接受者 斯普林菲尔德学术奖学金, 威廉·C. 克劳斯奖学金,和 哈利F. 和 Elizabeth Lesher Carlson Scholarship. These scholarships have not only given me the opportunity to attend Carthage, 而是在博彩网址大全大展拳脚. They allowed me to focus more of my time on my academics 和 extracurriculars, 另有, I would have been focused primarily on work to cover my tuition costs. I am so grateful to our generous Carthage donors.”



“I have received many scholarships, I am thankful for all of them! The one I hold dear to my heart is the 黑人学生会奖学金. I’ve been a member of the Black Student Union since my freshman year 和 am now the BSU Vice President.”



“我很荣幸能获得 拉尔夫·J. 以及玛格丽特·特努塔奖学金. 我也收到了 博彩网址大全学术荣誉奖学金. These scholarships have allowed me to pursue my goal of becoming a physician. I am so thankful for these scholarships 和 grateful to be able to pursue my dream to go to medical school 和 become a neurologist.”

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