博彩网址大全提供了关注多样性和公平的组织,这些组织代表了种族等弱势社会身份, class, gender, sexual orientation, religion, 年龄, nationality, and ability. To learn more about Carth年龄’s student organizations, visit The Harbor, Carth年龄’s online involvement platform. 

Students at a booth for the Black Student Union Black Student Union (BSU)

BSU provides leadership opportunities for its members, 赞助为黑人学生提供社交和学术丰富的活动, 并致力于加强黑人学生在博彩网址大全社区的形象. 北京外国语大学旨在建立各种族之间的尊重和宽容,培养所有学生之间的团结纽带. The group is open to all interested students.

LGBTQ*SA Student Association

LGBT学生协会是一个学生组织,专注于教育活动, social gatherings, and advocacy surrounding LGBTQIA+ issues. 会议每周举行一次,每周在社交活动和教育对话之间切换. 每学期还举办活动,让更大的博彩网址大全社区参与LGBTQIA+社区的教育.”

Queer Students of Color

Queer Students of Color or QSOC, 是一个旨在为有色人种酷儿学生创造更安全的成长空间并获得支持的组织吗. QSOC的重点是团结学生和教育其他人在博彩网址大全同性恋的代表性不足. 

Students in the organization Mi Gente walk in the 首页coming Parade. Mi Gente

Founded in 1999, Mi Gente教育俱乐部成员有关西班牙文化:历史事件, lifestyles, traditions, religions, and customs. The group discusses current events that affect Hispanics, 在博彩网址大全及周边社区推广西班牙文化, and provides a support system for club members. Mi Gente鼓励成员进行志愿社区服务,以提高西班牙裔家庭对博彩网址大全项目的认识,同时提高这些家庭对教育的重视. 该组织通过其成员参与组织的活动来激励和发展他们的自尊,并倡导在美国的拉美裔人的进步.

United Women of Color (UWC)

United Women of Color provides leadership opportunities, hosts activities to enrich its members socially and academically, strengthens the im年龄 of minority women in the Carth年龄 community, and works to build respect and tolerance between all students. Membership is open to all students.

Asian Pacific American Coalition of Carth年龄 (APACC)

APACC is all about promoting, celebrating, 向博彩网址大全和更大的基诺沙社区传授亚洲和太平洋岛民的文化. Meetings include activities, presentations, 和活动,旨在帮助人们更多地了解亚洲大陆的文化,并对不同的生活方式和观点感到更舒服.

Jewish Student union

The Carth年龄 College Jewish Student Union (JSU), 以前的犹太意识协会是一个由多个教派的犹太学生组成的团体, allies, and students wanting to learn more about Judaism. We work closely with the Kenosha Jewish community, giving students access to practice their religion on campus. 我们举办各种社交活动,以加强我们的校园社区. We also bring awareness to Jewish traditions and history, holding public-facing events for the Carth年龄 community. We hope to raise awareness about Judaism at Carth年龄, 确保校园宗教宽容,创造一种对宗教好奇的文化. We do this through on-campus events, field trips off-campus, and social media (Instagram @carth年龄jsu). Allyship is also a crucial part of JSU, 纵观历史,犹太盟友是推动美国平等的重要组成部分. From the founding of the NAACP to King’s Civil rights movement, to the 2020 Black Lives Matter movement, 犹太盟友一直站在让美国变得更美好的前线. We take inspiration from Jewish Americans in our history, and proudly advocate for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion on campus. 我们希望你有兴趣加入博彩网址大全的犹太学生会,了解更多关于犹太教的知识,并成为博彩网址大全犹太社区的一部分. 如果您想了解更多信息,请不要犹豫与我们联系!

Youth Empowered in the Struggle 

YES成立于2010年春天,是“Frontera之声”的学生组成部分. Voces是威斯康辛州主要的移民权利组织,这是一个草根组织,相信权力来自底层,人们可以克服不公正,建立一个更美好的世界. 我们在密尔沃基和拉辛的工人中心通过法律诊所支持移民和低薪工人, ‘Know Your Rights’ training, English classes, Citizenship classes, and more. 我们在民权和社会正义问题上的运动动员了成千上万的人采取集体行动,我们的成员已经成为社区组织的领导者.

Native American student association 

这个俱乐部的重点是在博彩网址大全和世界各地的土著人民的包容和欣赏. 我们去阐明土著学生和成员的重要性. 我们尊重并努力促进美国原住民的土地、历史和整体影响. 我们希望博彩网址大全的土著学生拥抱他们的文化,并支持他们在课堂内外茁壮成长.

Muslim society awareness/association 

穆斯林社会意识/协会在博彩网址大全学院的目的是创造一个环境,是开放给那些谁在校园实践他们的信仰, in the community, and in the world. As well as students who want to learn more about the faith! This organization is both an Awareness and an Association. YOU get to choose what this club means to you! We are INCLUSIVE and everyone is always welcomed to join. MSA is not only about Islam and religion, we also want to have students stress free, create field trips, have gatherings, and coexist with others in harmony.

1G - First generation club 

第一代俱乐部致力于培养第一代大学生之间的社区意识和同志情谊. 如果你的父母/监护人没有完成4年的学士学位,你就是第一代学生. 这个以学生为主导的组织支持家庭中第一个上大学的学生以及任何认同这一经历的学生(DACA学生), International Students, 等). 我们欢迎所有的学生,无论是否是第一代学生,都加入我们的组织. Together, we build community through regular meetings, mentoring, volunteer opportunities, listening sessions, social media, and much more. 我们希望帮助学生从第一年到博彩网址大全以外的生活中脱颖而出!

Japanese Club 

Welcome to Japanese Club! 我们的目标是通过会议学习更多的日本文化和语言, activities, and field trips. 日语俱乐部对所有人开放,而不仅仅是那些有日语学位的人. 来参加我们的社团聚会,了解一下日本宗教之类的东西, lifestyles, festivals, anime/manga, and so much more! We meet every Friday in Lentz 229 from 5:00-6:00pm.

Learn more about these student organizations on The Harbor.